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Latina Mom Blogging

Where to Get the Best HydraFacial in Orange County, Ca


As a #CosmetiCareMom Ambassador, I was provided this service to facilitate this review. All thoughts, opinions and glowing skin, are my own.

For the past 17 years, my life has been dedicated to my kids. My world, time and money, revolve around them. Their needs have been first in my life, since the day they were born. Fast forward to now, my 17, 10 and 9 year olds still come first, but their needs, little by little, are requiring less of me.  As the years go by, they are starting to be more dependent on themselves, which leaves me with more and more time for… well, me!  Wow, that’s kind of hard to do. Well, for me it is. See, I’ve taken are of my familia so much, that through the years, I’ve accepted not taking care of myself. If there is ever a time in which we have extra money, I’d rather spend it on the kids or my husband. I can’t remember when I started thinking that way, but I admit, I do it all the time.

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I turn 40 this year.  The big 4 0! Am I feeling it? Well, not really, but as the months wind down to my birthday month, I know sooner than later, I will have to start to take better care of myself, if I plan to still look as young I feel, and now that my kids are older, the time for me has come.

It’s been a good 8-9 years since I last had a facial. Now, by facial, I mean I went to a spa and had a 15 minute facial with just a scrub and facial massage. That’s all changed. I got a HydraFacial at CosmetiCare in Orange County.

Where to Get the Best HydraFacial in Orange County, Ca

This ain’t your mommas facial, people!

A HydraFacial is like the mother of all facials. I went to the clinic feeling a little apprehensive about the procedure. I’ve never really done anything to my face before and the thought of going to a medical spa, was a little scary for me. That all quickly changed when I went to CosmetiCare. The whole environment at CosmetiCare is warm and inviting. It’s a boutique style clinic that offers a wide variety of services, but this time, I went to have YEARS of dead skin and blackheads erased from my face.  The Hydrafacial is a facial and not a peel, and yet the only thing that sounded familiar was the word “hydra” with my consultation. Even though I had my own reservations, I knew I had to keep an open mind about the true reason why I was there.

Where to Get the Best HydraFacial in Orange County, Ca

The treatment room had a bed for you to lie down and relax. The technician had soft music playing and the lights were dimmed with enough light coming from the ocean front window. Once you’re relaxed, your face is treated to some warm steam to help open your pores. Then the fun begins.  The first step is to exfoliate. Once she explained what she was going to do, I felt a release. I know, it sounds weird, but you’d totally understand if this was the first time you were going to do something amazing to your face!!!

The first step is to exfoliate. The entire time, the aesthetic technician is walking you through the process and is explaining what will happen next, what the treatment will feel like, and why it’s needed.  With the help of a deplaning tool, she went through every single part of my face. This didn’t hurt at all as all the dead skin cells were being cleansed away.

Where to Get the Best HydraFacial in Orange County, Ca

Next, she applied a very mild acid peel. Now, understand that I’ve never had a medical-grade facial before and although the acid in the peel was mild, I did experience very lite stinging/tingling on my face as she was applying the peel over my face, but it was nothing major. I just thought I would mention it, since maybe you too might experience when you come in for a HydraFacial at CosmetiCare. The third part of the facial is by far the best part to fall asleep. This was total relaxation alley. My technician held a nozzle to my face that literally sounded like little kisses as it suctioned my skin’s surface! She said the little sucking noise was basically a vacuum that was cleaning off any pores that would still be clogged.  She concentrated heavily on my forehead and my nose. Which I knew were my problem areas, so I’m glad that she was able to hit those areas with all she had!!! The last step is a serum that’s applied all over your face. The serum contains anti-oxidants and collagen that aids in the skin’s smoothness, suppleness and of course, hydration!!

What an Experience!!!

Where to Get the Best HydraFacial in Orange County, Ca

The whole process took about 30-40 minutes. I felt fresh. My skin was probably wondering what the heck was happening because it was new. It was glowing. It was hydrated. It was clean!

The HydraFacial is a non-invasive, but it might be a good idea to do it when you don’t have anything special coming up soon after your HydraFacial. Along with some redness, I had small scars from where she really dug deep (remember, I had years and years dead skin) to get out some of the impurities I had on my nose, so that wasn’t fun to look at. After about 10 days. the scars went away.

Where to Get the Best HydraFacial in Orange County, Ca

Even now, 10 days post-HydraFacial I can feel the softness on my forehead. The little bumps I had that annoyed the heck out of me, are non-existent to the touch. The blackheads on my nose are almost completely gone. My T-zone, where I have oily skin, has had a major overhaul. I can see how women, and men, become addicted to this stuff. It truly is amazing! My skin is rejoicing.

I highly recommend HydraFacil at CosmetiCare. Do it for yourself. I promise you won’t regret it.

To schedule your consultation, visit  www.cosmeticare.com.  If you’re on social media, give them a follow on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

As a #CosmetiCareMoms Ambassador, I was provided this service to facilitate this review. All thoughts, opinions and glowing skin, are my own.

Liz Cerezo

Liz is a Mexican-American blogger living in Southern California. Married 19 years, and a mami to 3 kids, her content is inspired from living in and raising a multicultural familia. Liz has been blogging for more than 7 years, establishing herself as a nationally recognized Latina blogger. She often blogs in Spanglish and may throw in some Tagalog when talking about her hubby. You can also find her chit chatting away at @Liz_Cerezo on Twitter!

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