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Eat Right and Stay Active During Summer Vacation!


The kids are home for summer vacation. No what do we do, right? As a stay-at-home mom, I love being home, but when the kids are home, with nothing to do, there’s always a bit of grief with all parties involved.   I have some activities lined up for the kids, but like I’ve said before, there are times in which the kids and I will be able to do something fun, but more often than not, we don’t do much. The hot weather plays a big role.  I can’t stand the heat. Like, at all. If we’re going out for something, trust me, it’s either early in the morning or late at night.  This makes it tough when all the kids want to do is play, play and play, but we need to eat right and stay active during summer vacation too!

Eat Right and Stay Active During Summer Vacation!

I know I have to keep up with demand, so we have been walking early in the morning. Southern California just went through a wicked heat wave. We stood indoors all weekend long. Sure we ran up our electricity bill, but it was really too hot to go out for anything.  What I did do, though, was look for simple yoga videos online that my daughter and I can do indoors.  With the sun blazing outside, we were still able to get some exercise inside. Oh, and it was super fun too! And once our hard work is done, we reward ourselves with a banana smoothie! We make it with bananas, almonds, chia seeds and milk!

Fuel Up to Play 60 encourages kids to fuel up with nutrient-rich foods – which include low-fat and fat-free dairy, lean meats, fruits, vegetables and whole grains and achieve at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day. In fact, dairy is a source of protein, calcium and vitamin D.

Real California dairy families have continued activation of Fuel Up to Play 60, a campaign created by the NFL and National Dairy Council that promotes physical activity and good nutrition in schools.  See, what kids learn in school (academic or otherwise) they bring home. This is why we need to be able to help kids keep up the good work. We can continue to look for ways to encourage healthy eating and physical activity, (yes! even in the long dog days of summer), so that once school starts in the fall, they’ll be ready, both mentally and physically.

Eat Right and Stay Active During Summer Vacation!

Real California Milk represents the real foods from real people – dairy foods made with milk from more than 1,400 California dairy families.

I would like for you to encourage your kids to sign up to be a FUTP 60 ambassador, which encourages leadership amongst peers, healthy nutrition and physical activity. Kids can start learning more about FUTP 60 healthy eating and physical activity plays, earning points before the school year even starts!

Our health, and that of our kids, is something we can have control over. This is why it’s important to get involved with programs like Fuel Up to Play 60. Check out the website and check out the tips for parents and information to get your kids and local school involved.

If you’re on social media follow them on , and and join the fun by using #FuelGreatness and #CADairy  when you post updates or pictures.

Happy Summer!

Liz Cerezo

Liz is a Mexican-American blogger living in Southern California. Married 19 years, and a mami to 3 kids, her content is inspired from living in and raising a multicultural familia. Liz has been blogging for more than 7 years, establishing herself as a nationally recognized Latina blogger. She often blogs in Spanglish and may throw in some Tagalog when talking about her hubby. You can also find her chit chatting away at @Liz_Cerezo on Twitter!

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