Ugh, my heart is so heavy. I haven’t been able to update the blog in a while. I am so sorry. I have been, though, active over at my Disney site. With the Halloween season upon us, Disneyland has been keeping us on our toes with information that we need to get out to our readers. So, I’ve been having a hard time keeping up with both, but I promise to soon be all up in your emails with blog posts. So this is me, trying to catch up with blogging.
Family Updates:
Well, the two little ones (well, not so little, but always little to me!) have started school without a hitch. They both love their teachers. I can’t believe my kids are in 4th and 6th grade. Yikes! Next school year, God willing, my youngest son will enter Jr. High.
My oldest is currently looking for work. This is something that, as a parent, we kind of struggled with. I knew his willingness to go on to college was a big IF. I know I can’t force him to do anything, especially waste time and money to go to school on our dime. So, he’s currently looking for work. I hope he finds one soon. I was so looking forward to being alone during the day when everyone would be out of the house. Since he’s graduated high school, that hasn’t happened.
My husband and I just celebrated 19 years of marriage. 19 years! Wow, that’s a long time. We had a rare weekend two weeks ago, in which all the kids were out of the house. We went out for dinner, alone and even went to go see a movie. For those who follow me on SnapChat, you know about our last visit to the theaters, alone. If you don’t (which you totally should! Check out the link on my sidebar!), we figured out the last time we went to the movies, alone- on a date, it was for Passion of the Christ- 2004. YES! This was the last time. Wow, we laughed so hard at that fact. We really need to get out more. It was a fun night. I seriously can’t wait to do it again.
In August, I had an epiphany. When I turned 39 last year, I made plans to have an amazing 40th birthday. I wanted to lose a ton of weight, I wanted a new hairstyle, a new wardrobe, and new makeup! Well, fast forward 9 months and I’ve accomplished nothing. Ziltch. Nada. I got mad at myself. I left disappointment. I think this is another reason why I haven’t been posting. I can’t believe I let a whole year slip by and everything was still the same. Ugh, I literally hurt my own feelings.
And then, something switched.
I made a commitment to myself and no one else. I want to make a change for me. Now, I know I’ve said that A LOT of times, here on the blog, but this time, it’s for real. I started walking and then got on Weight Watchers. I felt like I could do/sweat more so I searched for some Zumba videos on YouTube and made myself a fun playlist. This has been my routine for more than 1 month now and I have been able to shed 18 lbs. My main goal was to reach my overall goal by November, my birthday, but I did have smaller goals. I wanted to lose 20 lbs. by this Friday. I’ll be at Disneyland shooting videos and I wanted to be lighter by then. I’m 2 lbs and 3 days away from that. Then I wanted to lose another 20 lbs by Halloween and finally the rest of my goal weight by my birthday.
Is it attainable? God, I hope so. I’m working my hiney off to reach my goals and by the grace of God, I will achieve it!
So, what’s been going on with all of you? Let me know! Leave it in the comments!
Liz Cerezo
Liz is a Mexican-American blogger living in Southern California. Married 19 years, and a mami to 3 kids, her content is inspired from living in and raising a multicultural familia. Liz has been blogging for more than 7 years, establishing herself as a nationally recognized Latina blogger. She often blogs in Spanglish and may throw in some Tagalog when talking about her hubby. You can also find her chit chatting away at @Liz_Cerezo on Twitter!
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Pattie Cordova
you look GREAT!!! Keep it up, girl!
03 . Oct . 2016