Nifty title, huh?
The art of persuasion comes in handy when you’re a parent. Even if you don’t know how to do it, it will come naturally. The kids and I have been dancing the fine dance of I’ll do this, if you do that for a very long time. See, I’ve come to know my kids like no one on this earth and in turn, they “think” they know me too, but ah… my dear friends; do they really know me?
Family time is special to me because I still get to do it with the two tweens while little by little, my teen is off living the teen life. My time with my kids is running out and only a few years remain before they won’t want to do anything with mom and dad. So, trust me when I say I LOVE FAMILY TIME.
Netflix is our go-to family flix time. Sometime we can agree on a show/movie and other times we can’t. We are so different when it comes to what we watch on TV. Is your family the same way? The only one who still watches cartoons is my daughter. My tween son is meh about anything. My teen is more into action movies, as is my husband. I like to go through all the shows and see what’s new and catches my attention.
When I see a movie that I like or see that Netflix has an old movie that I enjoyed watching when I was their age, I start to work my magic.
- I pop some popcorn, but only for me.
- Gather one kid-friendly drink.
- I get a blanket if the weather calls for it or turn on the AC if it’s too warm.
- I get some candy and I lay it all in front of me.
- I turn on the movie.
Of course, the smell of the popcorn alone will attract the kids. Okay, here is the key to keeping the kids- I only pop 1 bag of popcorn and get only 1 drink. Just enough for us to finish right away and well…
Yikes, the popcorn is done! Who wants more?
Hands fly up- the TV is on- they start to watch- and B O O M.
The art of persuasion.
I’ve done this countless times and as I write this I have a smile on my face as I think about all the times I’ve done this. I just did this 2 weeks ago when I wanted us to watch the Adams Family. I am so good at this, I’ve even done this with a Korean Drama!!!! I was shocked it worked for that, but HEY… they are the ones that get hooked! hahahah
Go ahead and give it try.
Sign up Netflix and start your free month now!
This is not a paid post. All thoughts and opinions are my own. As a proud Netflix #StreamTeam member, I share this story with you. All images courtesy of Netflix. All rights reserved.
Liz Cerezo
Liz is a Mexican-American blogger living in Southern California. Married 19 years, and a mami to 3 kids, her content is inspired from living in and raising a multicultural familia. Liz has been blogging for more than 7 years, establishing herself as a nationally recognized Latina blogger. She often blogs in Spanglish and may throw in some Tagalog when talking about her hubby. You can also find her chit chatting away at @Liz_Cerezo on Twitter!
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