Meet the Latina Blogger behind Family is Familia!
Welcome to Family is Familia
My name is Liz Cerezo and I’m a resident of Orange County, California. I have been a devoted family blogger for more than 7 years, sharing a variety of stories from my life as a Latina. My husband is Filipino and we’ve been married for 18 years, and have three children. Together, we’ve meshed two cultures into one. Mexican and Filipino.
Growing up Latina has been central to the inspiration of my blog posts. Spanglish, (a cross between Spanish and English), is my preferred style of writing. Through sincerity and sometimes humor, I try my best to capture the true essence of being Latina. If not at the market or shuttling the kids around the OC, I can always be found behind my beloved laptop blogging away.
I invite you come and see what familia is all about. Stay a while, get connected, leave a comment introducing yourself.
Are you a Disneyland fan? Check out my other blog, Disneylandia al Dia. It’s a blog all about the Disneyland resort in Spanish.
Meet the family:
Looking for Kid Vloggers? Check out SaraiandJonahReviews!
Hi everyone! We are kid vloggers Sarai and Jonah! We review toys, clothes, local hot spots, theme parks and all things 10 and 12 years olds love to do. Interested in sending us stuff to review? Contact our mom!
Son (18) Check out his photography
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