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Browsing Category: Growing up Latina

Growing up Latina

La India Maria’s Last Movie: La Hija de Moctezuma

Growing up Latina has my life filled with beautiful memories. From learning Spanish through my parents and eating some of the best foods on earth to watching novelas and enjoying music.  One memory that stands out is our love for La India Maria. Oh, man is that woman funny! We…

Growing up Latina

She’s My Mother #PutYourHeartToPaper

This is a sponsored post with Hallmark. All thoughts and opinions are my very own.Mothers.Gotta love them. Beyond the realms of providing for us, they are our moms. Best friends? Sure. Confidants? Absolutely.  Most of all, they are ours.My mom means the world to me. I can…

Growing up Latina

Smile! You’re Feeling Better! #SmilingitForward

I have received information about the TYLENOL® SMILING IT FORWARD™ program from McNeil Consumer Healthcare Division of McNEIL-PPC, Inc., the makers of TYLENOL®. The opinions stated are my own.  This is a sponsored post for Latina Bloggers Connect. There’s nothing like a sick child to put a damper…

Growing up Latina

Read Conmigo is Looking for Latino Authors

This is a paid post with Read Conmigo through Latina Bloggers Connect. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Promoting what I love is essential for Family is Familia. It’s the part of writing for the blog that I truly enjoy. Other than product reviews and events, sharing what…

Growing up Latina

Cantinflas: A Review

In any Mexican household, the name Cantinflas is as nostalgic as pan dulce and chocolate mexicano.  I remember my dad and mom watching his movies on the Spanish language TV stations. I would try to keep up with the movie but I couldn’t quite catch some of the punchlines…