Browsing Category: The Mamihood
Beauty, fashion and everything about motherhood!
UPDATED: Kybella- The Real Experience (Video + Pictures)
Have you ever been so excited about something that it makes you so nervous you don’t know what to do with yourself? Well, that was me. I went to CosmetiCare for a consultation and I ended up getting the Kybella treatment done. It was a crazy, fun, scary, and…
Check out your ‘New Look Now’ for your Kybella Treatments at CosmetiCare!
Have you ever wanted to try something out, but didn’t want to make the full commitment? Especially with big purchases. Kinda like test driving a car. You can sit in it, drive it, test out all the buttons and stuff. Then after all that, you can either buy…
Overcoming Post Surgery Woes #YogaPantChallenge with Depend® Active Fit
All thoughts and opinions are my own. 2 months ago today I was in the hospital recovering from gallbladder surgery. Within one week from initially feeling the pains of having an infected gallbladder, I had surgery to remove it. It’s a situation that came out of nowhere, I’ve…
Let’s get Tickled Pink with Neutrogena #MisMomentosNeutrogena
Giveaway closed. Winner is Greisy W!One of my favorite colors of all time is pink. Since I was young, I’ve loved all things pink. I had a pink bed, sheets and window coverings. I was a girly girl and now my daughter is the same way. I still…
My #SoleStory with Vionic
Do you have pain in your heels? Does it painfully hurt to get on your feet, when you get up on the morning? Do you wish you could still wear heels or flip flops? Do you currently suffer from plantar fasciitis?I ask this because I suffer from heel pain…
New Spring Jewelry from Don Roberto Jewelers! (Discount Code)
The opinions in this article are my own. I do not work for, or with, any brand mentioned in this article, nor do I have any official relationship with them. I have a relationship with GigaSavvy, for whom I create original editorial content.Spring is in the air. Can you…
No Coffee and Everyone is Still Alive!
I’ve given up coffee.I know. I deserve a medal or something. It’s been more than a week since I’ve had my last cafecito and I sorta, kinda, not-really miss it.I did experience minor withdrawals. I had headaches the first three days but pain relievers…